Sunday, December 9, 2012

Summit Sund eh?

I spent this past weekend in Quebec City, Canada. In English speaking Canada they say eh? all the time... When I try to imitate the French speaking Quebecois I still say eh all the time... just much more aggressively and with the Quebecois accent.
Now to my actual post.

Just look through some of Gus's posts and you'll see that there are tons of different types of summits. In Quebec I watched one of my personal heroes Kikkan Randall achieve one less traditional summit... twice. On Friday Kikkan, along with Jessie Diggins, won a Cross Country Skiing World Cup Freestyle Team Sprint. Then on Saturday she won the Individual Freestyle Sprint. What North Americans fans lack in numbers we make up for in an almost obsessive passion for the sport - the atmosphere was incredible. Getting to experience the first World Cup *WIN* on North American soil for a woman from the United States was certainly a "summit" for me.

If you find yourself timetraveling in the next little while - feel free to tell 15 year old Wilson that in 2012 future Wilson stands on the top step of a world cup podium in Quebec - he'll be stoked.

1 comment:

  1. So great! I've been looking at all of the pictures of Bates guys yelling their hearts out.
